Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik is one of the most visually stunning cities in the world.  Located on the coast of the Mediterranean in the Dalmatia region, Dubrovnik is full of palm trees, spectacular cliffs, and warm turquoise water.  Like many of Croatia's coastal cities, Dubrovnik has an old core. The medieval walled city of Dubrovnik is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
A view of old city Dubrovnik just after the sun has set.
Outside looking down the outer wall of the old city.
On the outside of the wall looking back towards part of the old city harbour.
A view of the streets around six in the morning. In several hours all the streets of old city are packed like sardines with tourists.
Outside the front gate, looking down the wall towards the ocean.
Inside old city at night - there are tones of great restaurants to choose from.
Looking down the wall at night as cars drive by down below.

Outside of old city, looking down the street towards the front gate.
A beautiful view of one of Dubrovnik\s many inlet suburbs.

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