Friday, November 29, 2013

Budapest, Hungary

Budapest is a great city with an awesome night life - some of the coolest bars I came across while travelling through Europe were in this city.  It's possible to walk most of the major tourist sites in a single day, leaving plenty of time to explore the nightscape after dark. Not knowing the best way to get from place to place, I took a tour-bus map from a local information booth, and decided to walk as much of it as possible.
The majority of Budapest lies on the other side of the river, across the bridge. However, this side of the river is much more elevated, and allows for a great view of the city. - not to mention the Royal Palace and some notable churches are found on this side.
This is the river facing side of the Royal Palace. It is elegantly surrounded by a huge network of courtyards, statues and gardens.
This is a large church called Karoly Korut. While I was there it was having huge amounts of restoration being done on the inside and outside.
A view of the Royal Palace from a higher elevation.
Looking across at Budapest's Parlament building.
One of the many statues surrounding the Royal Palace.
Looking down the street towards the backside of the Parlament building.
Beautiful streetscape.

Fisherman's Bastion take its name from the guild of fishermen that was responsible for defending this stretch of the city walls during the middle ages.
Not only is it a spectacle in and of itself, but it also offers some of the the best panoramic views of Budapest.

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