Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Two life-saving travel websites to use while in South Korea. And by life, I mean time & money.

During my year in South Korea, there were basically two websites I used to plan ALL my travel adventures: ga82.com, and kayak.com.
ga82.com is AMAZING for getting around South Korea. All you need to do is type where you are, and where you want to go. It will tell you essentially every option you've got, including trains, subways, and buses - possibly even flights. It's also quite customizable - you can specify the date, time of day, your price range, travel method, and how many transfers your willing to make. You can make it as specific or as ambiguous as you want. It will also show you precisely on google maps where various stations are. After playing around with it, you'll figure out how to maximize it's effectiveness. Sometimes, if you're trying to get to a relatively remote area, it's easier to break your search down into two parts - first, find the closest large-ish city to your destination, and use ga82 to figure out how you're going to get there. Second, from that nearby city, use ga82 to plan your route to your desired destination. I find breaking it into two steps gives greater results than simply doing it all in one step (entering your location, and then the obscure location into the destination box). Hopefully that makes sense. Once you get a feel for the site, it's such a time saver.
kayak.com is a great resource to use if you're planning a trip to somewhere outside South Korea for a vacation. It compares various airline companies against each-other, and shows you the lowest price. Play around with this site too - prices can change drastically depending on the date you're flying on. You can also add multiple airports into your search - it might be a couple hundred dollars cheaper to fly to a neighboring city, than to fly to your desired city.

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